?Who am I

,Very nice
My name is Yishai Katzman, I am Multidisciplinary coach for parents, Children and Youth
My main specialty is Overcoming social difficulties and strengthening self-confidence
, NLP personal trainer (mental), fitness trainer, instructor and lecturer for empowerment of children and youth, with a master's degree
: Has training and studies in the following fields
Specializing in working with children and youth, guided imagery, personal training, debate, physical fitness and the world of psychology and the spirit NLP
"Not always everything was" pink
The story of my life required me from a young age to overcome many years of mood swings, insecurity and social difficulties.
What he gave I have the hope And the power Make a change, it's the idea that one day when I can solve my problems,
So I can probably help others succeed too!
Luckily for me, I eventually found the right people who truly guided and believed in me.
Today I am the owner and director of the Yishai Katzman Center - training for life for children and youth.
Our center accompanies parents, children and youth as part of personal guidance and coaching, lectures, workshops in schools and various organizations in diverse and enriching fields.